the greatest beer ever stolen
Puzzle #15
I once shoved my recipes through one of these so no one would know where they were hidden except for me. Then I died. So no one ever found them! It was right under my competition's nose, just like the answers to these multiple-choice questions!
Which of these was NOT a code word for alcohol during prohibition?
K. Tarantula Juice
B. Dolphy Vomit
S. Coffin Varnish
R. Panther Sweat
What nearby brewery brews over 75 brands under one roof?
Q. Duvel
U. Anheuser-Busch
S. Stout Beard
T. Molson
Beer is called this before the fermentation process
E. Wampum
Y. Trub
I. Sorghum
N. Wort
Which prohibition cop was called the Nemesis of Syracuse?
G. Charles Kress
L. Lowell Smith
U. John Miles
E. Chester Scrooge
What does it mean to “quaff”?
J. To request beer for breakfast
O. To pass beer-induced gas
H. To drink deeply
Q. To spit a distasteful beer out
Reinheitsgebot is what?
O. The German Purity law passed in 1516
W. When you and your friends think you know more than the government
R. Taking pleasure in someone else’s pain
E. Deep affection for a man with horns
A beer of lighter body and alcohol of which one might expect to drink more than one serving in a sitting.
E. Lager
L. Session Beer
C. Ale
A. Goat urine
Can you guess the answer to this last question?
H. Maybe
J. No
Z. So
E. Yes